Spirit of the Community Award Nomination

The Spirit of Community Award recognizes and honors individuals who have devoted significant time and energy to improve the community’s quality of life and have provided leadership in development and/or expansion of volunteer projects, which have benefited members of the community.

We have changed this process to make it easier. Please Nominate name and give a few sentences about why. If you have all of the information to fill out please do, if you do NOT have all the information, please still list your nomination and we will follow up with you after to get additional information, accolades and accomplishments or help seek out others than may also have this information.

Nominee Name(Required)
Business Address
Nominator Name(Required)
Please describe the nominee’s local, state, or federal level participation. Include length and breadth of services, offices held in civic and service organizations, charitable activities, political pursuits, religious groups, merchant associations, Chambers of Commerce, etc. In addition, please describe how this participation improved the quality of life in the community.
Please provide specific examples of how the nominee has demonstrated leadership and initiative in the development and/or expansion of volunteer project(s).
Please list awards and honors received which support this nomination:
Discuss any additional factors you feel are important for consideration regarding the nominee for this nomination.


Outstanding Citizen

The Outstanding Citizen Award recognizes and honors individuals who strive toward the highest level of professional accomplishments. Men and women, who excel in their chosen profession, have devoted significant time and energy to improve the community’s quality of life and have provided leadership to assist others in becoming involved in the community.

We have changed this process to make it easier. Please Nominate name and give a few sentences about why. If you have all of the information to fill out please do, if you do NOT have all the information, please still list your nomination and we will follow up with you after to get additional information, accolades and accomplishments or help seek out others than may also have this information.

List special projects and achievements or recognition. Include business-related affiliations, directorships, trusteeships or other designations.
Please describe the nominee’s local, state or federal level participation. Include length and breadth of services, offices held in civic and service organizations, charitable activities, political pursuits, religious groups, merchant associations, Chambers of Commerce, etc. In addition, please include information on the number and types of individuals benefiting from the nominee’s community service.
Please provide specific examples of how the nominee has demonstrated support for the leadership development of other business and community members.
Nominees may already have been honored by service to their profession, industry or community. They also may have publications to their credit or articles published supporting their profession, industry or community. Please list awards and honors received which support this nomination:
Discuss briefly any additional factors you feel are important for consideration regarding the nominee for this nomination.